Magic Johnson shares an MJ story: ‘It was in this moment, that he became the best player in the world’

Recalling the time when Magic Johnson shared an ‘amazing’ Michael Jordan story on Jimmy Kimmel

Basketball fans worldwide remember the iconic Dream Team of the 1992 Olympics. It was a collection of the greatest basketball talents, a squad that epitomized the sport. However, there’s one story from that era that stands out, and it perfectly encapsulates why Michael Jordan is considered the greatest basketball player ever.

Magic: “For three consecutive days, our games ended in a tie. Coach Daly had ingeniously split us into teams representing the East and the West. The East had heavyweights like Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Larry Bird, and Patrick Ewing. The West boasted myself, David Robinson, Karl Malone, Chris Mullin, Clyde Drexler, and John Stockton.

On the fourth day, we had the East on the ropes. We were leading 12-2. I decided to do something uncharacteristic: talk trash. “If you don’t turn into Air Jordan, we are going to blow you out today,” I said, tapping MJ on the shoulder.

Michael’s reaction was immediate. His eyes widened, and his signature tongue emerged, this time twice as prominently. He looked at me with a fierce determination. What followed was nothing short of extraordinary.

Jordan began hitting shot after shot, each more spectacular than the last. Every time he scored, he would glance over at me, his tongue out, as if to say, “You wanted this.” His intensity and skill were unparalleled. It was like watching a man possessed, someone who had transcended the ordinary and entered a realm of pure greatness.

Then came the shot that cemented his legend in my mind. In a moment of pure athleticism and showmanship, MJ leaped into the air. He seemed to hang there, defying gravity, waiting for everyone else to descend. Then, in a breathtaking move, he finished with a 360-degree spin and scored. It was the greatest shot I have ever seen.

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