Farmer finds all 32 of his cows dead. He explains what happened to them

The tragic incident at Jared Blackwelder’s farm in Springfield, Missouri, highlights the harsh realities and unpredictable nature of farming. On a seemingly ordinary Saturday morning, Jared and his wife Misty were performing routine tasks of feeding their dairy cows, unaware of the severe weather approaching.

As the day progressed, the storm intensified with thunder roaring and lightning striking nearby. Unbeknownst to Jared, this weather event would lead to a heartbreaking discovery. Returning to the pasture to prepare for the evening’s milking session, he was met with a devastating scene: all 32 of his cows lifeless, clustered together behind a group of trees where they had sought shelter from the storm.

Stan Coday, the president of the Wright County Missouri Farm Bureau, commented on the incident, acknowledging the frequency of livestock losses due to lightning but emphasizing the extraordinary scale of this particular event. “The thing that made this the worst was just the sheer number of cows that were affected,” he said. Coday, who had experienced a similar loss in the past, expressed deep sympathy for Jared, understanding the dual emotional and financial toll such a loss incurs.

A local veterinarian confirmed that lightning was indeed the cause of death. This natural disaster posed not only a severe emotional blow to Jared and Misty but also a significant financial hardship. The cows, certified organic, were valued between $2,000 and $2,500 each, totaling an estimated loss of nearly $60,000. While some farmers opt for insurance to mitigate such risks, many, including Jared, face great uncertainty about coverage and financial recovery.

The aftermath of the tragedy also raised concerns among local neighbors about the possibility of utilizing the meat from the deceased cows. However, they were informed that due to several hours of exposure to the elements, the meat was unsuitable for consumption.

This incident serves as a poignant reminder of the vulnerabilities inherent in farming. It underscores the need for preparedness and the harsh impact of natural events, which are beyond the control of farmers. Through such trials, the resilience and spirit of individuals like Jared Blackwelder shine through, underscoring the dedication required to manage and sustain farm life despite the challenges posed by Mother Nature.