YouTuber bought Elvis Presley’s jet after 40 years. He turned it into something completely new

Elvis Presley may have passed away, but his legacy lives on, including his private Lockheed 1319 JetStar jet. For about 40 years, the plane was parked at the Roswell International Air Center, waiting for a new purpose. Recently, it underwent a stunning transformation and is no longer just a planeโ€”it’s now a beautiful RV.

The story began last year when YouTuber James Webb bought the Lockheed 1319 JetStar at an auction. Although he didn’t win the initial bidding, James managed to purchase the plane for $234,000 after the original high-bidder withdrew. This marked the beginning of a new chapter for Elvis’ jet.

James brought the jet to his workshop with the initial plan of restoring it to flying condition. However, after encountering numerous issues, he decided to convert it into an RV instead. To fund the project, Webb cleverly raised money by selling JetStar tags made from parts of the plane to Elvis Presley fans.

The total cost of converting the jet into an RV was around $331,500โ€”a significant investment. Projects like these, whether big like this one or smaller ones like turning a car into a swimming pool, require time, creativity, and a substantial budget.

The conversion of Elvis’ jet took almost a year and involved extensive modifications. When the work was finally complete, James and his team took the RV for a test drive. Despite their uncertainties, the project was a success, and James was thrilled with the result.

While the converted RV doesn’t have the most luxurious interior, it boasts a unique charm and historical significance. This transformation of Elvis’ jet into an RV stands as a testament to creativity and dedication, preserving a piece of history in a whole new way.